I’m oldish. I grew up in the time of LiveJournal—before they sold out to the Russians. It probably sounds lame to the young folks, but it was fucking MAGIC. Not Hogwarts magical, but people were definitely under some spell that let them be real. People didn’t just write there. They wrote the things they didn’t know how to tell anyone they knew, things they were afraid to tell their friends, or the things they couldn’t bear to tell anyone who might ever look them in the eye. Their most embarrassing and beautiful secrets. Imagine Anaïs Nin silently handing you one of her unpublished diaries without any expectation.

I don’t think the people who used LJ were these uniquely thoughtful humans, but there was this beautiful willingness on the site to suspend societal norms and lift the veil of you to strangers, and it was really something. Authenticity and unedited emotion were celebrated. I still believe everyone is ridiculously interesting when they let you in. I wish we’d all share that a little more often. Everything else just feels . . . less than. But it’s hard. Most of us are afraid of being judged, disliked, or thought foolish. 

I’m not sure how my first blog post turned into some weird homage to LJ, but that feels appropriate, so I’ll let it slide. To be clear, this blog will not be LJ level personal since it’s on my business site, but I also have no intention of watering myself down or concern for the cool. The cool is overrated, kids. Forget the cool. So, before I digress again, here we are! Posts will contain things I’m currently loving, and will likely focus on writing, editing, poetry, the briefest of book reviews, music, movies, and a stationery nerd session here and there. I haven’t had a blog I was committed to since the days of LJ, and you know what? I’m finally ready to admit this embarrassing truth: I miss talking into the abyss that is the internet. There, I said it. So, hi! I’m Kim. How are you?